Family Mediation

Divorce can be a minefield of emotions ranging from fear of separation to feelings of resentment. Couples do not have to stay entangled in a world of hurt and confusion.  reaching fair and informed decisions about children, support and property division.

Divorcing families continue to retain commonalities.There is still something to appreciate and respect in the other person, and there is always “the best interest of the child” that must be considered.

The average cost of a contested divorce ranges from $5,000 to $8,000. These are costs that the average family cannot afford and that contribute to anxiety and distress of an already stressful situation.

There is a way to resolve disputes without serious confrontation and great expense. It is an informal process that can be scheduled at a time that works for you and not the court. It helps to reach an agreement, and even there is no settlement, it identifies important issues, clarifies misunderstandings, and explores solutions.

Seriously discuss the option of mediation with your partner. Mediation:

  • Offers a great alternative to conventional legal proceedings
  • Provides a pathway to resolution AND healing for shattered relationships
  • Strengthens the bonds of existing relationships
  • Hands you a toolkit for realistic problem solving
  • Results in an agreement or memorandum of understanding that becomes the basis for the legal process

Mediation lets YOU direct the outcome; it can be empowering, even transforming.